

ブログを始めた理由、皆さんに発信したい事(why i started this blog and the truth i would like everyone to know about)




海・ビーチ・森・川 へ 人は意識はせずとも癒しを求めている事にも気づきました。もちろん、衣食住も自然からの恵みです。

I was backpacking in Sri Lanka, and stopped by a beach for a rest.
I realized how beautiful ocean was,plenty of people were relaxing on the beach, and yet somehow I found enormous of plastics on the beach. 
After that, I went seeking for world heritages and breathtaking nature in India,Thailand,Malaysia,Singapore,Philippines and Korea. However, all remanded in my memory was garbages at my feet. People don’t care enough what t at their feet, but whats beautiful there which they think it is worth to take photos to make such great memories.
I asked people a very simple question “ why did you com here?”, and they answered like this “  We have came here for relax and to be apart from our real life.” with a plastic water bottle ( which was going to be a trash in a few hours) in their hand.
Although people still don’t understand how necessary those are to us ,people go to beaches,  oceans,  forests, and river to feel relaxed.
Of course, nature gives us great gifts such necessities of life.
Meanwhile, what we do every day destroys what is really important for us on the earth.
This is becoming a huge problem.
On our earth, all of our warning bell of pollution is ringing and we hear it, but we have very small opportunities to feel this alert of pollution. if we had felt it,  we would have take an action to make changes. 
This is exactly why I started writing this diary.  I sincerely hope that this msg will reach to more people and it will be your trigger because i was one of people who didn’t know about it.
Every little things make big changes, and it makes your life better,
and eventually it make the world better place.